Top 20 Questions About Your Period That You’ve Always Embarrassed to Ask.

Top 20 Questions About Your Period You've Embarrassed to Ask

20 Questions you've embarrassed to ask
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Ever since I started this health blog, I have been receiving many questions on Menstrual cycle and Menopause.

I have given them the answers they have been worrying about. I knew it was time to share them here so that it would reach you.  

If you are one among them who wished to ask anyone about your monthly visitor, but you might’ve  been too afraid or embarrassed to ask.

Just  for you!

How to tell if my period is irregular

Periods that are lighter, heavier, arrive unpredictably or last longer or shorter than average are called irregular periods.

How to regulate my period

Most common ways are using birth control pills, hormonal contraceptives or modifying diet and lifestyle.

Why do I poop so much on my period

You’re more likely to have a free bowel movement when you’re on your period.  Prostaglandins in your body help your smooth muscle relax, preparing to shed your uterine lining for you.

Can I get pregnant on my period

Technically, yes.  An unprotected sex on 4th day, sperm can live for up to five days, so you have a chance to get pregnant on your period.

Why is my period blood in bright red color

Bright red period blood is in the start of your period or it might be due to STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).

Why is my period blood pink

Pink blood will be at the beginning or end of your period.  It might be associated with low estrogen levels.

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Why is my period blood orange color

Orange discharge can happen when blood mixes with cervical fluid or it might be due to implantation during 10-14 days of conception.

Why is my period blood in black color

Black period blood can be alarming, but it’s usually just old blood lingered in your body too long.  This happens during low flow days.

Is it harmful for different colors during the period

Yes! It is normal that your period may change colors from beginning to the middle to the end.

What happens when I Skip a Period

Relax.  It’s normal for your period not to be normal, if you skip more than two in a row, see your doctor.

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Why are the Tampons in different sizes

Tampon sizes vary as per the absorption amounts.  Don’t use a heavier tampon than you need.  Change tampons every 4 hours or so.

Does Using a Tampon hurt me

Not for most women.  Remember, your vagina is ready to stretch. (think childbirth)  If it hurts, don’t use.

Do Tampons cause Toxic Shock Syndrome

It’s a rare occurrence. To minimize your chances, change your tampon every 4 hours or so.  If you have fever, chills, diarrhea, nausea or a rash, see your doctor.

Is my period too heavy

It’s probably not as heavy as it seems.  If you consume more than 10 pads or tampons a day or need to change every hour, talk to your doctor.

How long should my period last

One can last from 2-7 days.  If you’re bleeding for more than 7 days continuously, talk to your doctor.

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How do I get rid of cramps

Take any pain relievers. Use a heating pad on your lower back or stomach.  Increase hydration and avoid caffeine.

Why do I feel so full during my period

Your body can hold in water and make you feel bloated.  When your jeans feel a little tight, cut the salt in your diet and avoid the caffeine. 

Why do I crave junk food

No exact causes!  But it seems hormones play a role for your cravings and other PMS symptoms.  Reach for healthy foods like fruits, salmon, nuts or avocado.

How can I control PMS symptoms

You may have some work outs, skip salty foods, avoid caffeine at least a week before your period. 

 When do I see a doctor

You must consult a doctor or gynecologist if you find any of the following symptoms:

  • Unusual or different blood discharge

  • Thick gray or whitish vaginal discharge

  •  Missing more than two periods

  •  Irregular periods

  • Changes in the length and flow of period from one month to another

  • Swelling or itching around vagina

  • Black blood discharge with chronic pelvic pain

  • Chronic fever during period

  • Foul-smelling vagina etc.,

Bottom line

Every woman faces most of the above conditions during her period, but they are hesitant to express their concern even to close relatives (including mother).

Most women hide their period issues and let the time resume normalcy.

Avoid hiding your issues and see your healthcare provider/gynecologist before they lead to serious health issues.

I wish every woman should see a doctor at least twice in a year for healthy life before and after menopause.

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